A jade haircomb
A pair of painted pottery feline-headed jars with detachable necks
A pottery scourer
A limestone head of a Buddha
A black and white star pattern dish
A white-glazed pottery elephant-shaped candle holder
A ying-marked Xingyao ovoid jar
A very rare Dingyao “guan”-marked white-glazed butterfly-pattern square dish
A four-footed jar and cover with boy-shaped knop
A Cizhou-type rouletted jar
A Hebei whiteware guan-marked shallow bowl
A Cizhou-type black-glazed bowl
A Jizhou tortoiseshell-glazed teabowl
An inlaid Korean celadon ten-lobed footed cup
A polychrome carved wood figure of Samantabhadra on an elephant
A small cloisonné enamel lotus-pattern censer
A pair of bamboo buddhistic lions
A rare Gansu “Buddhist lion” wool carpet